Let me begin by asking you a question. How many of these boxes have you checked? A donation box right next to the billing counter, asking you to chip in for an NGO every time you visit the supermarket. Coffee cups with bold, eco-friendly labels declaring they’re made of recycled material, justifying those extra cents in charges. Every clothing brand telling you they’ve used “sustainable” cotton, while you pay a premium for it. Does this sound familiar? If yes, you are not alone in this. We live in an era where every major corporation flaunts its commitment to ESG—Environmental, Social, and Governance—principles. It’s become a convenient badge of honour, a necessary narrative to placate the modern, socially conscious consumer. But here’s the uncomfortable question: Is this dedication to ESG truly genuine, or is it just another polished PR strategy to hide corporate greed?
It’s a common theme—corporations are quick to pass the baton of environmental and social responsibility to you, the consumer. But why should it always fall on us? Why are we the ones expected to make the sacrifices, pay the higher prices, and change our habits, while the very corporations selling us this narrative refuse to walk the talk?
All the views and opinions expressed are those of the author. Image Credit – Prakati India.
About the Author

Shreyash Sharma holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA Economics) from the City University of Hong Kong. He is currently working as a Client Services Associate – Private Equity & Consulting at Guidepoint. His opinions on global affairs has been published in The Viyug, First Post, and other prominent news media outlets.