The Perfect Timing for China’s Attack on Taiwan

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I will examine the likely scenarios as the world contends with two major conflicts. With China potentially seizing the opportunity to attack Taiwan amidst these circumstances, the timing appears opportune. The pressing questions is whether the USA would come to Taiwan’s aid should China launch an assault. This commentary delves into this possibility, assessing potential responses from significant nations, particularly the United States and the challenges that may arise in thwarting such an attack. I will also analyse the global landscape to determine if powerful nations, notably the US can effectively address the prospect of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

The Current Geopolitical Landscape

Currently, the geopolitical landscape in terms of conflicts are defined by the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, now in its second year and the continuous tensions between Israel and Gaza. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has already declared that Israel is ready for an extended conflict, possibly spanning months. The United States finds itself indirectly entangled in both disputes. I aim to underscore a perceived sense of arrogance within the US, particularly evident in statements attributed to President Biden, where he tries to convey an attitude of, “We are America, for God’s Sake.”

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Joe Biden

It highlights the reality of how the President of the United States Joe Biden perceive the US’ capabilities. Back in October, when Hamas attacked Israel, Biden’s response reflected a belief that they can do whatever they want, indicating a potentially misguided perspective.

Let’s Get Straight to the Point

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All the views and opinions expressed are those of the author. Image Credit – Financial Times (FT)

About the Author

Vikas is a dedicated writer and researcher on foreign affairs. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree at the School of Global Affairs, Ambedkar University Delhi. He completed undergraduate studies in Political Science at Shivaji College, University of Delhi. With a keen interest in geopolitics, international relations, defence studies and foreign policy, Vikas actively contributes articles to Medium. He is the Founder & Editor-in-Chief of “The Geopolitical Economist” on medium, where he shares insightful analyses and perspectives on contemporary global affairs.

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