Terrorism and Hunger Grip Haiti on the Brink

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Brief History of Turmoil: A Breeding Ground for Violence

The once vibrant streets of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, now echo with gunfire and the desperate cries of a nation in peril. Gang violence, a festering wound for years, has metastasised, engulfing the country in a humanitarian catastrophe. Haiti’s current predicament is not born in a vacuum. Decades of political instability, coupled with a legacy of colonialism and natural disasters, have created a breeding ground for desperation and violence. The 2010 earthquake shattered not just physical infrastructure but also the fragile sense of hope Haiti was trying to rebuild. In the subsequent years, we have witnessed a rise in gang activity, fuelled by poverty, lack of opportunity, and a breakdown in law and order.

The 2017 La Saline massacre, where over 70 people were brutally murdered by a gang allegedly linked to the government, marked a turning point. It became a chilling symbol of the growing power and impunity enjoyed by these armed groups. In November 2018 another massacre took place that was known as La Saline Massacre.

Assassination and the Power Vacuum

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About the Author

Shrabana Kundu is a staff writer at The Viyug. She is currently pursuing Master of Arts (MA) in International Relations at Amity University. She holds a Bachelors degree in Political Science & Government from Calcutta University.

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