Is Winning Control of PoK Beneficial for India?

Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) refers to the portion of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir that is currently under Pakistani control. The territory has been a source of tension between India and Pakistan since the two countries gained independence in 1947, and the disputed status of PoK has been a key issue in the ongoing conflict between the two nations. The disputed territory was ruled by Maharaja Hari Singh, a Hindu king, but the region had a majority Muslim population. When the state of Jammu and Kashmir acceded to India in 1947, Pakistan claimed that the accession was invalid and sent troops into the region.

Israel Conducts Airstrikes on Iran Despite US Implorements to not Retaliate

According to a US official, Israeli Defense Force carried out an air strike on Iran on Friday, April 19, in retaliation to an Iranian attack last Sunday, April 14. The Iranian defense force has blocked three drones near the air base in Isfahan province. However Iran did not make any comment on who could be behind the attack and nor did Israel claim responsibility over the strike. The No large scale damage was caused by the attack, reported CNN. Sources said that Netanyahu government’s war cabinet has been planning for an attack since Monday which was hold back due to international pressure coming from allies like the United States and Gulf.

Palestine opts for Technocratic Governance

Guns and Bullets is our popular newsletter offering critical intelligence, analysis and news on current ongoing wars and conflicts around the world. This issue cover story includes “Palestine opts for Technocracy Governance” and quick roundup of news around the world.

Feasibility of Nuclear Weapons as Deterrents

Initially, it was considered as a new means of warfare with an unprecedented destructive power. In the Cold War period, the creation of Soviet nuclear weapons especially after the Cuban missile crisis forced the then two superpowers to reconsider their views regarding the use of nuclear weapons as an offensive measure. This article will assess the credibility of nuclear deterrence in today’s geopolitical turmoils

CAA Protests Highlights Foreign Policy Illiteracy Among Indians

Four long years after the parliament passed the Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on 11 March 2024 notified the rules for CAA. Though it has nothing much with domestic affairs, why do Muslims in India keep protesting? Is the CAA discriminatory against Muslims? What is the foreign policy angle of CAA?

Silent Adjudicators Amidst the Iran-Pakistan Cross-Border Strikes

States are the primary actors in international relations, driven by self-interest and the pursuit of power. In this context, the Iran-Pakistan conflict can be understood as a struggle for influence and security along their shared border. The volatile region of Baluchistan province is being heightened by the recent airstrikes between Iran and Pakistan, posing concerns about potential escalation of tensions. The ongoing conflict is influenced by power dynamics and national interests, while China’s GSI is playing a stability role.

Popular Narratives Should not be the Drivers of India’s Global Ambitions

Since independence, up until 1991, India had never attempted to establish formal diplomatic relations with the State of Israel. Not that it did not want to, but it was mainly because of the popular Indian sentiment that it should not keep connections or do any business with the nation that ostracises and conducts atrocities against Palestinian Muslims. And also, because certain sections of the society did not want the Indian state to recognise Israel as a separate entity in itself. Is appeasing and pacifying the heated sentiments of the people considered the deciding factor in foreign policy engagements of a nation?