The feeling that you get upon stumbling across a post that has this disclaimer “State-Controlled Media” simply sum up the difference between journalism in a democratic and communist regime. Journalism plays a crucial role in both democratic and communist societies, though the nature of that role can vary significantly. In democratic systems, journalism serves as a vital check on power, holding those in authority accountable and providing citizens with the information they need to make informed decisions. Conversely, in communist regimes, the media is often tightly controlled by the state, with journalism expected to serve as a mouthpiece for the ruling party.
Tag: Democracy
Is the United States facing a Third World Future?
The United States has long been considered a global superpower and a symbol of prosperity and democracy. However, recent developments and global power shifts towards Asia have raised questions about the country’s standing. As the world’s largest economy, the United States has traditionally been at the forefront of global leadership, championing democratic values and capitalist ideals. However, a closer examination of the country’s current situation reveals a complex picture that warrants analysis.
West Papua Conflict: Silent Struggle in Indonesia’s Easternmost Province
The conflict between Indonesia and West Papua has its roots in the decolonisation of Indonesia from the Netherlands and the disputed referendum called the Act of Free Choice in 1969. The referendum, which was widely criticised, resulted in West Papua becoming part of Indonesia. However, the process was perceived as fraudulent by many Papuans, who believe that their civil and political rights were violated during the decolonisation process. The conflict has persisted, with core grievances remaining unresolved. The Indonesian government views the Act of Free Choice as the final stage of a decolonisation process, while many Papuans see it as a fraudulent process backed by state violence and international acquiescence. The Indonesian government has been sensitive to perceived foreign intervention and has restricted efforts by journalists, diplomats and non-governmental organisations wanting to report on the conflict.