Is the United States facing a Third World Future?

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The United States has long been considered a global superpower and a symbol of prosperity and democracy. However, recent developments and global power shifts towards Asia have raised questions about the country’s standing. As the world’s largest economy, the United States has traditionally been at the forefront of global leadership, championing democratic values and capitalist ideals. However, a closer examination of the country’s current situation reveals a complex picture that warrants analysis.

It was the Former President Donald Trump, who famously on numerous occasions called USA a “Third World Country.” Yes, we can tab this instance under “Silly Trump Gobbledygook” but if we carefully assess the true nature of USA, one might  daresay Trump is not wrong for once. In Marvel’s movie titled ‘Thor Ragnarök’, Thor say “Asgard is not a place, Asgard is its people.” If a nation is indeed made by its people, USA does keep one third of its population in third world conditions.

United States and its Economic Prowess

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All the views and opinions expressed are those of the author. Image Credit – Aljazeera.

About the Author

Mahima Sharma is an editorial staff at The Viyug. She is a research analyst at the Global Strategic & Defence News. She holds a Bachelors degree in Political Science from Panjab University.

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