West Papua Conflict: Silent Struggle in Indonesia’s Easternmost Province

The conflict between Indonesia and West Papua has its roots in the decolonisation of Indonesia from the Netherlands and the disputed referendum called the Act of Free Choice in 1969. The referendum, which was widely criticised, resulted in West Papua becoming part of Indonesia. However, the process was perceived as fraudulent by many Papuans, who believe that their civil and political rights were violated during the decolonisation process. The conflict has persisted, with core grievances remaining unresolved. The Indonesian government views the Act of Free Choice as the final stage of a decolonisation process, while many Papuans see it as a fraudulent process backed by state violence and international acquiescence. The Indonesian government has been sensitive to perceived foreign intervention and has restricted efforts by journalists, diplomats and non-governmental organisations wanting to report on the conflict.

India-China Rivalry: Boon for USA’s Dominance in Asia

When considering the United States, its robust economy and formidable military are typically the foremost aspects that come to mind. However, if these strengths were ever endangered, it becomes crucial to contemplate potential scenarios. One significant concern would arise if India and China were to align their efforts. However, we are living in a realistic world where this scenario doesn’t seem likely to happen. This article discusses why such cooperation would be detrimental for the United States.

Feasibility of Nuclear Weapons as Deterrents

Initially, it was considered as a new means of warfare with an unprecedented destructive power. In the Cold War period, the creation of Soviet nuclear weapons especially after the Cuban missile crisis forced the then two superpowers to reconsider their views regarding the use of nuclear weapons as an offensive measure. This article will assess the credibility of nuclear deterrence in today’s geopolitical turmoils

TikTok Conundrum: Fanning the Flames of the Second Cold War

The potential ban on TikTok in the US has triggered reactions both domestically and internationally, with discussions on social media platforms like Weibo reflecting mixed sentiments. The ban is a significant step in addressing perceived national security threats posed by Chinese-owned apps operating in the US, setting the stage for further debates on data privacy, surveillance, and trade dynamics.

2024 Taiwanese Election: DPP’s Mandate and China’s Sovereignty Dilemma

In the 2024 Taiwan elections, where the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) secured another victory with Vice President William Lai Ching-Te assuming the presidency, Beijing faces the challenge of navigating its relations with Taipei. It is imperative to analyse how Beijing can portray its dominant presence as a way forward in the Taiwan Strait and turn the scenario in its balance by considering voting patterns, factors influencing the election, and the international perspective involving Beijing, Taipei, and Washington, D.C.