The Cult of Narcissism: How Social Media Shapes Leaders’ Images

In the digital age, social media platforms have become powerful tools for shaping public perception. Leaders across the globe, from the Western world to the Middle East and Far East, have harnessed these platforms to cultivate their images. Among these leaders, some exhibit traits associated with narcissism, a personality characteristic marked by grandiosity, self-centredness, and an insatiable need for admiration. In this exploration, we delve into how social media portrays narcissistic leaders and the implications for their governance practices.

Understanding Narcissism

Before we dissect the interplay between narcissism and social media, let’s briefly understand what narcissism entails. Narcissists exhibit two sides: a dark side and a bright side. On the dark side, they display a lack of empathy, cruelty, moodiness, and irritability. However, their bright side includes charisma, persuasiveness, and overachievement—attributes closely associated with leadership.

Social Media as a Playground for Narcissists

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Image Credit – The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

About the Author

Mansi R. Suryavanshi is a research consultant with the Phadke Journal of Strategic Studies which is an autonomous research division of The Viyug. She previously worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Physics in PG College.

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