Indo-China Border: A Perspective on Six-Point Consensus

The 23rd round of discussions between India and China’s special representatives on the boundary issue marks an important milestone in their bilateral relationship, particularly after a prolonged gap of five years. The agreement reached in Beijing, comprising six key points, reflects both progress and the complexities that existed in the India-China border dispute. While this consensus signals both parties desire for stabilising relations, it also highlights the deep seated security challenges that continue to shape the interactions.

India’s Arunachal Pradesh or China’s Zangnan?

For a substantial period of time, the border conflicts between India and China have centred around the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, which is claimed by China and administered by India. Reflecting the severity of the conflict, following the Sino-Indian War of 1962, both nations have been constantly in conflict with one another. Since then, Beijing has primarily concentrated on using covert warfare techniques to sabotage India’s sovereignty, renaming Indian land, intensifying military buildups in border regions and defying signed pacts, norms & procedures, while the dragon has never faltered in its will to put mounting pressure on New Delhi.