In modern era, India’s journey to leverage its soft power capital, which had begun influencing its interactions with foreign states and societies even during the colonisation phase. Intellectual and radical interactions of luminaries like Swami Vivekananda, Tagore, MN Roy signalled an intrepid internationalism in their minds. To quote Gandhi, “I want the culture of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any”. As one of the few uninterrupted surviving civilisations, with its unique values and worldview, India offered new meanings to concepts like war, peace, power, religion, and similar others.
Tag: Indian Ocean Region
Indo-China Border: A Perspective on Six-Point Consensus
The 23rd round of discussions between India and China’s special representatives on the boundary issue marks an important milestone in their bilateral relationship, particularly after a prolonged gap of five years. The agreement reached in Beijing, comprising six key points, reflects both progress and the complexities that existed in the India-China border dispute. While this consensus signals both parties desire for stabilising relations, it also highlights the deep seated security challenges that continue to shape the interactions.
Maldives’ Growing Proximity with China: Gain or Loss for India?
Since Mohamed Muizu became the elected president of the Maldives in September 2023, a series of anti-India sentiments has been sweeping the country. Evidently, the allegiance of President Muizzu’s clearly lies in China. President Muizzu has earlier given the deadline for withdrawing Indian troops from the country, which will be an eventual move, accepted by India. A few days earlier, the two maritime neighbourhood countries got into a spat after a reference from a Maldivian minister to call India a ‘bully’ of the smaller countries of the region. New Delhi reacted by reminding the amount of aid, $4.5 billion, that the Maldives accepts from India.