CAA Protests Highlights Foreign Policy Illiteracy Among Indians

Four long years after the parliament passed the Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on 11 March 2024 notified the rules for CAA. Though it has nothing much with domestic affairs, why do Muslims in India keep protesting? Is the CAA discriminatory against Muslims? What is the foreign policy angle of CAA?

Popular Narratives Should not be the Drivers of India’s Global Ambitions

Since independence, up until 1991, India had never attempted to establish formal diplomatic relations with the State of Israel. Not that it did not want to, but it was mainly because of the popular Indian sentiment that it should not keep connections or do any business with the nation that ostracises and conducts atrocities against Palestinian Muslims. And also, because certain sections of the society did not want the Indian state to recognise Israel as a separate entity in itself. Is appeasing and pacifying the heated sentiments of the people considered the deciding factor in foreign policy engagements of a nation?