Post-Assad, Rebels Set to Represent Syria at the UN

Welcome back to the World Brief, the flagship newsletter of The Viyug delivered to you directly from the Editor’s desk, catching you up on 24 hours of news in five minutes. In today’s edition of the newsletter we’re looking at the potential talks at the United Nations for representation of Syria by the rebels followed by Georgia’s political crisis, dispute between Canada and the United States, Depression in Germany’s Economy and ending with business updates.

Cover Story

On Tuesday, the UN Security Council publicly discusses Syria for the first time since the fall of Bashar al-Assad. Eyes will be on the Syrian delegation, appointed by the Assad government but thus far kept in post, and the old regime’s ally, Russia. The Kremlin’s diplomats are said to be co-operative; Russian media now call Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the dominant rebel force, an “armed” rather than a ‘terrorist’ group. Nevertheless, America is wary of letting Russia use its veto power to shape the transition to its liking. Antony Blinken, the secretary of state, has called for an “inclusive” and “non-sectarian” government.

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Featured Image Credit – UN News.

About the Author

Anirudh Phadke is the Founder/Editor of The Viyug. He is currently serving as a Member of the Board of Studies (BoS) for the Department of Defence & Strategic Studies at the Guru Nanak College (Autonomous). He previously worked for International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL). Anirudh holds a Master of Science in Strategic Studies along with a Certificate in Terrorism Studies from S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He completed Bachelor’s degree in Defence & Strategic Studies from Guru Nanak College (Autonomous).

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