Letters to the Editor – 18 March 2024

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Attack on Free Press

The fourth estate is a soft target. The attack on free press by government agencies is nothing new. Yet the targeting of digital journalists and digital media organisations has added a new dimension to this. The Supreme Court has to act quickly to stop such misadventures by the ruling dispensation and bring some semblance of rationality to the country’s governance, especially in matters of free speech.

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All the views and opinions expressed are those of the sender. Image Credit – Newsclick. Letters to the Editor can be sent via email to editor@viyug.org.in

The following letters were sent by Amrit Prasad who C2C Fellow of The Bard College and an Environmentalist/Citizen Journalist at ‘Fridays for Future International.’ Prasad holds Master of Arts (MA) in South Asian Studies from UNESCO – Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asian & Regional Cooperation.

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