How Far Have University Student Protests Influenced Solidarity with Gaza?

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Student protests in solidarity with Palestine have surged at universities worldwide following the escalation of the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza. Protesters are demanding that their institutions sever ties with Israel and divest from companies supporting the conflict. The protests, largely organised by coalitions of student groups, have spread across the United States, Canada, Europe, and even Australia. Students have set up encampments on campuses to pressure universities into taking action. Protesters argue that universities should not maintain relationships with entities linked to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute and that such ties are inappropriate. They insist that educational institutions should take a stand against the conflict by disassociating themselves from organisations that profit from it.

Impact on Universities

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Image Credit – NDTV

About the Author

Mahima Sharma is a staff writer at The Viyug. She is also a research analyst at the Global Strategic & Defence News (GSDN). She completed an internship as a geopolitical risk intern at WoRisGo. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Panjab University, Chandigarh.

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