About Us

Who we are

Delivering Informed Perspectives on Foreign Affairs Globally

From its beginnings in 2020, when The Viyug was founded by Anirudh Phadke as his personal online writing space for strategic studies, today it has evolved into a staunchly independent global affairs media for an international audience. Over time, The Viyug has evolved by adding dedicated sections to expand into digital journalism while retaining its original rigour of think tank operating model. Thus, with the rigour of a think tank and the creativity & journalistic outlook of a newspaper we tell unique yet powerful stories that matters the most.

Ever since we expanded into a full scale media in 2021, we are keeping diverse stakeholders such as public, academia, policymakers, business leaders and several others to grasp the changing drivers of the world ranging from geopolitics to technology, foreign policy and business.

Our Editorial Philosophy

Founded in 2020 to keep diversified stakeholders informed of international affairs from an Indian perspective, The Viyug continues to produce top-notch journalism containing analysis, commentaries and export takeaways.


Editorial independence lies at the heart of The Viyug. The editorial guidelines does not permit any individual or organisation to influence publishing framework. Thus, the organisation is independent of commercial, political and proprietorial influences.


The Viyug constantly covers and curates the news with prominent focus on interpretive analysis and data-driven journalism over original reporting. The founder noticed that with advent of technology, people started consuming news over social media rather than television and other traditional methods such as newspapers. However, there was no proper Indian-centric media providing interpretive analysis and expert opinions on issues that matters globally.

Our founder also believed that in the post-pandemic era, many people, particularly those with full-time jobs, would abandon the habit of following daily news. They perceive it as increasingly distracting and noisy, interfering with their work life. News outlets would likely vie for their attention, further exacerbating the issue. Thus, for anyone who’s weary of the frantic daily news cycle, The Viyug is a breath of fresh air.

The time when “news” happens and when “The Viyug” writes about it, facts settle and tempers soothe while the extra days between gives you the perfect work-life balance yet keep up-to-date of news with extra bonus of expert opinions and in-depth analysis and commentaries.